GESTALT Insights

Apparel Influence: Dressing the Mind

Apparel Influence: Dressing the Mind

Our clothing is more than adornments; they reflect our inner world and influence our cognitive processes. Enclothed cognition suggests attire alters how we perceive ourselves and are perceived by others....

Apparel Influence: Dressing the Mind

Our clothing is more than adornments; they reflect our inner world and influence our cognitive processes. Enclothed cognition suggests attire alters how we perceive ourselves and are perceived by others....

Color Psychology in Fashion: How Colors Influence Perception

Color Psychology in Fashion: How Colors Influen...

Fashion’s palette speaks volumes; colors shape our mood and perception. Red exudes energy, blue calms, and yellow uplifts. These hues are the silent narrators of our style stories.

Color Psychology in Fashion: How Colors Influen...

Fashion’s palette speaks volumes; colors shape our mood and perception. Red exudes energy, blue calms, and yellow uplifts. These hues are the silent narrators of our style stories.

The Psychology of Fashion: Understanding the Power of Clothing

The Psychology of Fashion: Understanding the Po...

In our latest blog post, we delve into the intriguing relationship between fashion and psychology. Discover how the colors we wear influence our mood, how our clothing affects our self-perception,...

The Psychology of Fashion: Understanding the Po...

In our latest blog post, we delve into the intriguing relationship between fashion and psychology. Discover how the colors we wear influence our mood, how our clothing affects our self-perception,...